
Navigating turbulence: COVID and beyond for Australian single mothers (2023 CSMC national survey of single mothers)

ParentsNext Survey Report August 2019.docx

National Council of Single Mothers and their Children Inc., 2017: Gaps and Challenges: Australia’s obligations to eliminate violence against women. January 2017

Petra Bueskens, 2017: Poverty-traps and pay-gaps: why (single) mothers need basic income (BIEN – Basic Income Earth Network, 21 July 2017)

Emily Wolfinger, 2014: Australia’s Welfare Discourse and News: Presenting Single Mothers (Global Media Journal Australian edition, Volume 8 Issue 2 -2014)

Kay Cook, 2013: Child support compliance and tax return non-filing: A feminist analysis (Australian Review of Public Affairs Volume 11, Number 2: June 2013, 43–64)

Tanya Corrie and Magdalena McGuire, 2013: Economic Abuse: Searching for Solutions (A joint project of Good Shepherd Youth & Family Services and Kildonan Uniting Care, May 2013)

Jacqui Ng, 2007: Home Truths: Female headed families experiencing the housing crisis (Victoria University, 2007)

Elizabeth Branigan 2007: ‘Who Pays in the End?’ The Personal and Political Implications of Financial Abuse of Women in Intimate Partner Relationships (Just Policy No. 44, June 2007)

Terry Larkman, 2006: What do single mothers identify they want from systems and supports to achieve financial security? (A research report prepared for Council of Single Mothers and their Children Inc. October 2006)

Ann Harding, Quoc Ngu Vu, Richard Percival and Gillian Beer, 2005: Welfare-to-Work Reforms: Impact on Sole Parents (Agenda, Volume 12, Number 3, 2005, pages 195-210).

Elizabeth Branigan and Shannon Keebaugh, 2005: A Feminist Family Agenda: Putting the Mother Back into Sole Parenting (Just Policy No. 38, December 2005)